Monday, November 2, 2009

In which I seek a Blogging Buddy

Crossposted from Life is (not) Boring [link]

Darren Rowse at Problogger did his 31 Days to Build a  Better Blog program a while back.  I'm not doing so well at the 31 days part, but Looking at it as 31 steps has been immensely helpful.

Day 15's ( task is to find a Blog Buddy -- a fellow blogger with about the same level of success as you who will share resrouces, trade guest posts, give feedback, link each other back and forth, and so on.  Ideally, this partnership would elevate the talent -- andreadership -- of both bloggers. 

So, my personal ad:

Small- to mid-size blogger seeks same for Blogging Buddy.   Review, writing, and day-in-the-life bloges preferred, (as that's what I do), as well as personals finance, green, happiness, and dog blogs (Which I enjoy reading, but don't really write about as much), but not mandatory, although I prefer your topic be something of which I have at least a vague understanding.   Buddy should read my blog(s) regularly and allow me to do the same, and comment regularly and expect me to do the same.   Links should be exchanged, particularly when we write things relevant to each other.

I'm willing to guest post for you with sufficient notice, and I would likely be calling on you for the same.  Proper credit and links would be given, of course, and I'd expect the same in return.

Blunt feedback is welcome, although kindly-phrased feedback is even better.   I want someone who will kick me in the pants when I slack off, so while I'm willing to do the same for you, if you're not serious about this, don't bother.

In return, I'm willing to provide the types of feedback requested (although not fine-tooth-comb proofreading or copy-editing -- that's very time-intensive and I charge for that!).  Your blog will end up on my blogrolls on the sidebars fo my blogs (and I'd hope for the same).

Any takers?  Preference would be given to people I know IRL, but it's not a strong preference, and there's no rule saying I -- or you -- can't have more than one Buddy!