Thursday, June 19, 2008

Prayer Intentions #1 -- For the Church

I'm planning on writing the General Intercessions for my wedding next year. I'm actually really enjoying the process, and I have a lot of ideas. De-politicizing my actual intentions is quite a challenge -- give it a try!

Also, what should I be including? Bear in mind that this is a Catholic service (not a Mass), and I am... technically Methodist, although realistically more of a semi-Episcopalian, Catholic-influenced general Protestant (long story...).

Here's part one: praying for the church.

For all the Church in the world, that we may come together, not in hatred over our differences, but in love and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ.

For all people of faith, and all those who seek meaning, that they may find Truth.

For all deacons and ordered religious, all priests and ministers, all bishops and conference chairs, all Popes and Patriarchs, and for all men and women who are called to be shepherds, that they may lead their flocks in Christ's example.

For all parishioners of N----- Church, and for the former congregation of F-----Church, that the values and love they have passed on to Chris and Laura may continue to guide them and those their lives touch.

Suggestions? Additions?

According to the Book of Common Prayer, the General Intercessions should include:
The Universal Church, its members, and its mission
The Nation and all in authority
The welfare of the world
The concerns of the local community
Those who suffer and those in any trouble
The departed (with commemoration of a saint when appropriate)

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